General Information

At Hipsburn our classes are named after local castles. From 1st September 2024 our class structure is:

Warkworth Castle Preschool Jillian 
Alnwick Castle Reception  Mrs Johnson / Mrs Donnelly
Bamburgh Castle Year 1 / 2 Miss Richardson
Ford Castle
Year 3 / 4 Miss Cromarty
Etal Castle Year 5 / 6 Mrs O'Reilly
Each half term the class teachers will post curriculum information under their individual classes. This will give parents details of what their child will be learning over the following weeks. 
If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact your child's teacher or email the school office.
KS1 Phonics
We use Read Write Inc. Phonics. This is a complete literacy programme for 4 to 7 year-olds learning to read and write.
The School Day
The school doors open at 8.45am  and are locked at 8.55am for registration. Lunch is between 12 and 1pm and the school day ends at 3.15pm